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Understanding the Rise of Digi-Punishment in African American Communities

This workshop will examine the growing trend of parents publicly beating and shaming their children by posting pictures or videos of their discipline tactics on popular social media sites.  For example, a YouTube search yields more than 30,000 matches for child-shaming videos.  Dr. Stacey Patton will discuss the cultural phenomenon behind why digi-punishment is seen as a creative form of discipline in African American communities.  She will also examine the long-term effects that cyber-shaming has on a child’s brain development and emotional health, and how it places children at risk for being bullied at school and abused by child predators who seek out insecure kids with low self-esteem.  The audience will brainstorm ways to educate parents about the dangers of digi-punishment, discuss what the role of law enforcement and child protective services should be in protecting children from this kind of abuse, and explore positive ways to encourage parents to use alternative forms of discipline.

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