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The Impact of Racism and Poverty on Parenting and Child Development

Even at a young age, poverty and racism can have negative consequences for child health and well-being. These nefarious factors impact children both directly and indirectly, and can leave lifelong marks on the child’s mental and physical functioning. For example, systemic racism disproportionately places low income minority children into unsafe neighborhoods and housing, and under resourced schools, while racist and discriminatory interactions leave a child prone to depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.  Further, racism and poverty reduce minority parents’ mental and physical well-being, resulting in less supportive, and more punitive, parenting practices. These disengaged or harsh parenting strategies disrupt children’s emotional and cognitive development. This curriculum will help practitioners understand the negative forces surrounding racism and poverty which influence child development, as well as understand the specific implications for child well-being.

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